Emerging from the numbness
12-30-20 A Personal reflection on emerging from the Covid pandemic
Two years prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, I had begun grieving the loss of two of my closest family members who had died within four months of each other. In that period, I became deeply interested in healing from this loss, and turned my attention to how we as human beings change. Is there an evidence-based theory of change that we can consider for our species to embrace? Who are the “change leaders” and what tools do they suggest we use at this time to become more adaptive and responsive to change? What might they teach us at a time when so many of us want to shrink from the world into a state of fear, numbness, and denial?

On Shaping a New Worldview
8-16-2020 Reflections on Interspirituality
As a person raised in the Jewish faith, but a seeker of spiritual truth across multiple traditions (thus interspiritual), i’ve often found it difficult to spiritually “come out” and profess a deeper love of the world’s many spiritual and sacred teachings. For two years, I worked as a Program Director for the Vincentian Renewal Center (also known as St. Joseph’s Seminary) running a program on Interfaith Spirituality…